Duts on a rack! In-store now (new collab)

Check out that rack

We’re always on the lookout for fun new collaborations. Just like the special collaboration Duts x getlifted. Thru one of our true Duts fans, we found our newest collaboration with an inspiring entrepreneur, Stephan Seijerlin. Our Duts designs are now on display on an eye-catching clothing rack in his barbershop / concept store. 

Being different is good

Just like the tagline of Duts “wear art. Wear the difference.” Stephan has created a one-of-a-kind complete, immersive experience in his establishment: Het Heerenhuys. Where the vibe is casual and a drink with a South American cigar during your haircut is normal. It’s these surprising differences that make things interesting: a barbershop which also sells clothes, a haircut with a cigar, a brand name (and logo) that stands for silliness, a washing label with a chocolate mousse recipe.

Duts on a (or your) rack

Until now Duts designs have never been sold in a store. But you know what they say: when the vibe.. uhh time.. is right. So all you Dutsies out there can now try on our comfy fits, feel our high quality carefully selected fabrics and buy your unique Duts design(s). Which number will you get? Check out the pink counter. Now in-store in the Dutch city Harderwijk. 

Traditional craftmanship

The traditional craft of the barber is trending. In a lot of cities in Europe and America classic barbershops are making a fast-paced comeback. It’s all about the delightment of the experience when you visit the barber.” - Stephan Seijerlin. The Duts designs match these values of authenticity and quality.

For all the people who read that Het Heerenhuys is only for men: no worries, Natural Beauty next door also has our designs on display for sale 😉

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